BEST - Final review meeting
The BEST consortium had its final review meeting in Brussels on 24-25th May 2018.
On the first day the consortium partners have discussed the final steps and summarised the results of the project work.
The second day the consortium partners have presented the project’s results to the SESAR’s officials and discussed the requirements of the final report. The presentations described the project’s work in detail and also proposed further steps for the related research.
The meetings were conducted in friendly manner and the SESAR’s officials provided their remarks. All in all the meetings brought positive results for both parties.

BEST - Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Systems (ICNS) 2017 & 2018 Conferences
The paper “Towards a Value-Added Information Layer for SWIM: The Semantic Container Approach” received the “3rd place of the ATM track” award at this year's Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Systems (ICNS) 2018 Conference. This work was achieved in the BEST project together with partners from JKU, Eurocontrol and Frequentis. In this paper, we position the concept of semantic containers as a value-added information layer for SWIM. Sets of data items such as DNOTAMs, TAFs, METARs, SIGMETs and flight plans can be collected into semantic containers having semantic labels that describe the data in a container. Semantic containers can be further processed by applications, but also by information services that produce derived semantic containers, yielding complex derivation chains of semantic containers.
This is now the second award besides the paper "Ontology-Based Data Description and Discovery in a SWIM Environment" received the “best of ATM track” award at last year's Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Systems (ICNS) 2017 Conference (organized by ECTL, FAA & NASA). This work was achieved in the BEST project together with partners from SINTEF, JKU, Eurocontrol and Frequentis. The paper focuses on ATM data in the upcoming SWIM concept and how it can be filtered and enriched in an intelligent way. It describes how ontologies are used to build up a knowledge base that further can be used to aggregate information (introduction of semantic containers).

BEST on SESAR project PJ19.03 plenary meeting
21 March, 2018
Madrid, Spain
The BEST project members have participated at the SESAR project PJ19.03 plenary meeting that was dealing with “Information Architecture”. The meeting was held in Madrid, Spain on 21st March 2018. The project members have presented a specially prepared presentation and managed to raise a discussion on the project results and obtain a good feedback.

BEST Stakeholders Workshop
16 February, 2017
Budapest, Hungary
BEST project team held a workshop in Slot Consulting office on 16th of February. The project members have presented the results of the BEST project and discussed them with the participating aviation experts. The discussion resulted in many new information the project can use to successfully accomplish its goals.

SESAR Innovation Days (SIDs) 2017
28 – 30 November 2017
Belgrade, Serbia
From 28 – 30 November 2017, the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) held its annual SESAR Innovation Days (SIDs) event, which was hosted by the University of Belgrade in Serbia. The event put ATM Exploratory research in the limelight through a series of workshops, presentations, poster exhibitions and networking events. Among others, Slot Consulting presented a new poster for the BEST project.

BEST Project Meeting in Vienna
21-22 November, 2017
Vienna, Austria
BEST Project team gathered in Vienna, Austria at Frequentis- communication and information solutions centre to discuss about the progress of the project and future plans. By creating new data classification methodologies BEST will enable the application of System Wide Information Management (SWIM) and determine how semantic technologies can be used effectively to maximise the benefits of adopting SWIM.

BEST Project Meeting at budapest
12 January, 2017
Budapest, Hungary
The BEST project held its Month 6 progress meeting on the 10th and 11th of January in Budapest. The consortium members have reviewed the developments during the first quarter of the project and discussed the plans for the next period. During the second day gaming exercises were executed to investigate the best solutions for certain issues.

BEST Project: Participation at SID 2016
8-10 November, 2016
Delft, the Netherlands
BEST Consortium has participated at the Sixth SESAR Innovation Days what was held in Delft between the 8th – 10th of November, 2016. In the frame of the SESAR projects we have succesfully presented our project poster.
Mr. Audun Vennesland has presented the project at the teaser session which is a 1-2 minutes presentation of the project. Afterwards he was accepting questions from the interested participants during the afternoon session. The project partners are very happy with the interest of conference participants towards the presented poster and the project itself.
The poster can be downloaded at the following link.
The abstract of the presentation is available here.

The Sixth SESAR Innovation Days
8-10 November, 2016
Delft, the Netherlands
The SESAR Innovation Days are the main vehicle for SESAR to share progress and disseminate results of its innovative research programme. With the transition from SESAR Workpackage E (long-term and innovative research) to SESAR 2020 ER (Exploratory Research) the 2016 SIDs will see a mix of mature research projects presenting their final results and new projects, recently started, presenting their approach and first results. In addition to disseminating results of SESAR research projects, papers and posters are invited in an open call for contributions.
The 6th edition of the SESAR Innovation Days will be hosted by Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands, from 8 – 10 November 2016. The SESAR Innovation Days will include technical paper sessions, keynote presentations, panel sessions, together with exhibits and poster sessions, thus providing an ideal forum for networking. In particular we seek contributions from the wider ATM research community through this open call.

Kick-off meeting
13-14 June 2016
Trondheim, Norway
The consortium held its KOM 13-14 June in Trondheim, Norway. SINTEF as the coordinator of the project hosted the meeting, the SJU joined the meeting via webex. The consortium has discussed the project plan in detail set priorities and agreed on the methodology to be followed by all consortium members. It was agreed that BEST will set up a Reference Group with experts in the field of SWIM and ontology and they will provide feedbacks on the plans and progress of the project. Experts interested in being members of this group should contact the project coordinator.